Wow finally got this photo scrapped, I mean the baby in the photo turns 4 on Tuesday so the photo has been hanging around for a while. Here is the sketch.
Pretty isn't it and this is the website that I am linking to
http://www.letsgetsketchy. I have been so lucky with this website lately apart from it being my favorite and the one I always check first I won Octobers prize which hasn't arrived yet so I will have to let you know what I got when I get it. And then this morning I found out I won the fall blog hop and will receive a prima prize pack (I cant wait). there was so much inspiration from the other designers and even though in my part of the world we are heading in to summer it was quite easy to get into the fall spirit, mind you the weather we have been having lately help as well. this is the layout that I am posting this week
thanks for looking at my blog and I will blog again next week kirsty.